Richard Fox

Legal ease: What HR needs to know about belief-based discrimination

When balancing the desire to protect staff from offensive comments with employees’ rights to express their beliefs, employers should consider the findings of these key cases.


Does the Raab affair clear up the definition of “bullying”?

Employers have been crying out for years for clarity as to what exactly is meant by “bullying” in the modern workplace. What counts as reasonable and constructive criticism on the one hand, and...


Employment tribunals – what does a win actually look like?

I listened with interest to a BBC Radio 4 programme hosted by Evan Davis on employment tribunals as part of the excellent series called The Bottom Line. For all those who are or may be involved in...


Will Goldman Sachs’ unlimited holiday policy start a new trend?

The news that Goldmans Sachs will allow its senior bankers to take as many days’ leave as they want under a new flexible vacation scheme has raised eyebrows and reignited the debate about unlimited...


What employers can dictate over Christmas

?The public mood is now very much focused on Christmas. The government has liberalised lockdown to allow for more social mixing over the festive period and quarantine requirements have been relaxed...


Hot topic: Political conversations at work

Workplaces are becoming increasingly politicised, with research from Jobsite finding that 46% of employees have noticed an increase in political discussion among colleagues


Ted Baker's ‘forced hugs policy’: Lessons for other employers

The instance of Ted Baker offers some important lessons to other employers as they seek to update their approach in a post-#MeToo? era


Where now for tribunal fees?

Employers will have to ensure they follow best practice and guidance, and the law, in managing their workforce


Shoesmith case an important lesson for employers

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls has been quoted as saying the pay-out to Sharon Shoesmith, reported to be as much as £600,000, left a “bad taste” in the mouth.


Employment law: Out of the frying pan into the fire?

Employment law

Controversy surrounds the attempt to reverse the 2002 Dispute Resolution Regulations.
