Millicent Machell

Young employees unprotected by employment rights

Nearly three quarters (72%) of young employees aged 16 to 24 miss out on key employment rights at work, compared with just 27% aged 25 and over, according to a study by the Trades Union Congress...


Poor workplace training leading to fatalities

There is a clear correlation between workplace fatalities and training provisions, according to new research from software company Cloud Assess.


Asos scraps diversity targets for bonuses

Asos has removed diversity targets from its criteria for directors to receive their bonuses to help them focus on profitability.


Dyslexic employee wins tribunal after bosses mocked writing

A former charity employee who has dyslexia was discriminated against and unfairly dismissed, a tribunal has judged.


How to avoid a Christmas party crisis

Work Christmas parties can be a fun way to celebrate the holidays, or a recipe for disaster. How can HR make sure festive cheer doesn’t turn sour?


Menopausal bus driver loses disability claim

A bus driver’s menopausal symptoms did not qualify as a disability, and her claims of unfair constructive dismissal and discrimination were rejected by the tribunal.


Thousands of unpaid carers leaving the workplace

Workers are leaving employment in their thousands due to the demands of unpaid care, according to research from Carers UK.


AI voice cloning is an ‘industrial scale’ threat to business

HR experts have warned that businesses are at risk from widespread AI scams in 2024.


Workers unaware of zero-hours contracts rights

Research found 61% of workers are unaware of the rights of people on zero-hours contracts, according to workplace arbitration body Acas.


Autumn statement: What HR needs to know

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt gave his Autumn Statement yesterday (22 November), prioritising reducing national insurance, boosting apprenticeships and getting people back to work.


Work-related stress guidance published as sickness rates increase

Stress, depression and anxiety made up half of all work-related ill health in the past year, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


Sexual abusers in NHS ‘untouchable’, female doctors report

A group of female NHS doctors have said known perpetrators of sexual violence are tolerated or regarded as untouchable.
