Emma Greedy

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Coronavirus pandemic puts women’s equality at risk

MPs have put pressure on the UK government to support women’s employment during the coronavirus pandemic.


Quarter of HR leaders unsure where employees are working from

Global mobility

A global survey of HR professionals has found that teams need to be more aware of where in the world their staff are working.


Legalising ‘no jab, no job’ vaccine policy

Employers may be able to insist that new employees take the COVID-19 vaccine, however HR is concerned it will create a minefield of compliance and discrimination issues.


BAME graduates still being hired at a slower rate

Progress on workplace inclusivity has been accused of little to no progress as BAME graduates are consistently applying for more jobs than their white counterparts.


Employees with asthma need more support

Employees with uncontrolled asthma earn around £3,000 less per year than the average adult due to limited work opportunities.


Businesses paying the financial consequences of bad hiring

The cost of a bad hire is estimated to be three times higher than the salary paid, demonstrating the responsibility for HR of getting hiring right.


Bad technology is impacting company culture

Poor internet connection and faulty technology is demotivating and disengaging employees.


Workers boosting pandemic income with side hustles

An increasing amount of UK workers are taking jobs on the side due to the flexibility gained through remote work.


UK government must be ‘more like Biden’ to save jobs

An economic boost four times as great as currently planned by government is needed to protect jobs and advance the UK economy, according to a new study.


Uber’s rights ruling could have implications for UK gig economy

Proposed changes to Uber drivers' rights could have wide-reaching effects for the European gig economy.


Remote working hours need to be monitored

UK employees are happier working from home, but the hours they work need to be better monitored by senior leaders, according to new research from the CIPD.


Majority of HR leaders are beginners when it comes to D&I, finds Josh Bersin

A study by Josh Bersin analysts has found that HR professionals are not well trained to support diversity, equality and inclusion (EDI) initiatives and managerial issues.
