Bek Frith

British workers can expect real wage growth of 1.9% in 2017

UK wages will increase by 2.5% next year, despite economic and business turmoil caused by Brexit


How FSCS became an award-winning HR team

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme’s HR function used to be stuck in a rut, but raised its profile, credibility and influence


Brits enjoying life now rather than saving

More people focus on short-term saving than putting money aside for retirement


Gig economy "breeding entitlement" in businesses

Some companies pressure freelancers into working unpaid or for low rates, prompting a race to the bottom


Business services sector unfazed by Brexit

SMEs in the business services sector were most optimistic about Brexit's impact


Women progress when childcare duties are shared more equally

Research has confirmed the common suspicion that women’s careers are more likely to progress if childcare is shared


Immigration hit record high before Brexit vote

The most commonly stated reason for immigration to the UK was work


Public trust in business falls dramatically

Corporate tax avoidance remained the top public concern about business behaviour in 2016


UK loses 200,000 working days to sleep deprivation

Promoting better sleep habits among employees could add £24 billion to the UK economy


Companies must justify high pay

Prime minister Theresa May said she wants to ensure "everybody plays by the same rules"


Women caught in 'missing middle'

CMI research shows not enough women are making it to middle management positions


Automation skills should be "major focus" for HR

More than half of employers are already automating business processes, so HR must keep up
