Bek Frith

Employees feeling isolated at work

More than a third (38%) have felt isolated or lonely in the workplace, including 44% of Londoners


The 12 months of 2016: June

As our 12 Days of Christmas countdown we look at the most interesting HR happenings over the last year


The 12 months of 2016: May

As our 12 Days of Christmas countdown we look at the most interesting HR happenings over the last year


Few fathers using Shared Parental Leave

Only 8% of new mothers have opted to take Shared Parental Leave, and 5% of fathers


The 12 months of 2016: April

As our 12 Days of Christmas countdown we take a look at the most interesting HR happenings over the last year


Women in finance are "underrepresented, underpaid and undervalued"

Finance has the biggest gender pay gap of any industry in the UK


Less advantaged students earn less after graduating

The difference in starting salaries between the least and most advantaged students can be as high as 15%


The 12 months of 2016: March

As our 12 Days of Christmas countdown we take a look at the most interesting HR happenings over the last year


Siloed working harming HR effectiveness

Two-thirds (66%) believe that silos exist in their organisation and have had a negative impact on their company


The 12 months of 2016: February

In our 12 Days of Christmas countdown we look at the most interesting HR happenings of 2016


Jobseekers concerned about their prospects

Apprehension was found to be highest among those aged 25 to 34


The 12 months of 2016: January

In our 12 Days of Christmas countdown we look at the most interesting HR happenings of 2016
