Bek Frith

Impact of National Living Wage passed on to customers, not staff

More employers have responded to the National Living Wage (NLW) by raising prices rather than cutting jobs


Working Families Special Awards: Learn from Sacker & Partners

We take a look at what makes Sackers exceptional in the field of flexible and family-friendly working


UK's first chartered management degree apprenticeship launched

Nine higher education institutions, including Sheffield Hallam and Anglia Ruskin, are among the first to offer the course


80% of 18- to 24-year-olds 'waste time at work'

Looking at mobile phones was found to be the most popular time-wasting activity among young people


One in five have missed a child's life event because of work

Research has found poor work/life balance is harming parents’ relationships with their children


Top five tips on implementing change

The top five tips on implementing change we learned at the Landing Transformational Change Conference, hosted by the University of Bath's School of Management


Sports Direct: Rogue employer or tip of the iceberg?

Sports Direct has been accused of ‘gulag-like’ conditions. But are such practices actually more widespread?


Staff feeling strain of recruitment freezes

The stress of under-staffed workplaces could be exacerbated by jobseekers' London-centric approach


Our top interviews with... HRD of the year winners

We look back over five years of HR Excellence HRD of the year award-winners


Only half of managers can handle a crisis

Most managers (94%) reported facing crises during their career, but only half (55%) coped


Disengaged employees searching for overseas roles

Britain leaving the EU has prompted some staff to start searching for new positions abroad
