If the past two years have taught us anything, it's the importance of wellbeing and our job's role in maintaining our happiness and a healthier physical and mental wellbeing.
The government has introduced new legislation allowing medical professionals other than GPs to provide fit notes for sick workers if they are unable to work.
For World Wellbeing Week, employers are being urged to make wellbeing as important as health and safety.
Employers across the UK are performing better than companies across the rest of the world in implementing wellbeing policies for workers.
The UK’s current approach to resilience and wellbeing is not fit for purpose, according to a new Parliamentary report.
The unprecedented stop-start to life caused by Covid-19 has had a huge impact on workforces, particularly among diverse communities according to research by McKinsey, and it might be many more years...
There are around 1.25 million people in the UK with eating disorders, and the isolation of the pandemic has made things significantly harder for many, according to charity Beat Eating Disorders...