
Four ways technology can reduce employee turnover

Humans are nothing if not predictable. No matter how well we think we’re hiding our actions, we are, unfortunately, often telegraphing our intentions.

Redundancy rounds top reason other employees want to quit

Redundancy rounds are the top reason employees want to leave their employer, according to a new survey.

Flexible working leads to return on investment for frontline workers

Frontline employers in retail, care, construction, nursing and teaching sectors could see a return on investment (ROI) for flexible working within just three years.

Is mental health impacting turnover in your organisation?

For HR leaders seeking a better way to support their staff and protect the bottom line, it’s clear a more proactive approach to mental health is needed.

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Training is the answer to skills and retention fears, businesses decide

Two-fifths (41%) of UK companies will implement large-scale upskilling or reskilling programmes to retain top talent and address skills shortages.

UK employees see no reward for working harder

The vast majority of (78%) UK employees are taking on more work without a pay rise or promotion.

Workers protest unhappiness in the workplace

Workers demonstrated in London yesterday (January 25) to protest widespread unhappiness in the UK workforce.

Staff leaving a 'constant battle' for UK firms

?Two-fifths (40%) of UK businesses said they are in a 'constant battle' with staff leaving, according to talent solutions provider Oleeo

Resignations rise for sixth year in a row

High turnover rates continue to rock the labour market, especially in manufacturing and production

Turnover rate reaches new high

Employee resignations have reached a five-year high at 15.5%, according to research from XpertHR