
Letter from the editor: What's HR's goal?

What’s the end goal for HR? What is the profession, at its core, trying to achieve?

Strike the right balance between national skills policies and local talent needs

Last year, it was reported that the UK was seriously underperforming in skills development, dropping 26 places to 64th out of 100 countries.

The solution to the UK's productivity problem is in HR's hands, Part 2

Raising productivity could dig the UK out of stagnation and sustainably raise wages. In the second part of our January/February 2024 cover story, Dominic Bernard finds out why a word employees...

The solution to the UK's productivity problem is in HR's hands, Part 1

Raising productivity could dig the UK out of stagnation and sustainably raise wages. Dominic Bernard finds out why a word employees associate more with job cuts than pay rises can be HR’s next proving...

Rulebreakers cost UK businesses £1.6 million a year

Failure to comply costs UK businesses £1.6 million per year on average, according to a study from training platform Cypher.

Poor workplace training leading to fatalities

There is a clear correlation between workplace fatalities and training provisions, according to new research from software company Cloud Assess.

Head of AI roles tripled since 2018

Head of AI positions have tripled globally in the last five years, while job posts mentioning AI have more than doubled (2.3x) in the UK in the last two years, according to new research from...

Apprenticeships have plummeted since levy introduced

Apprenticeship starts have fallen by 31% in England since the apprenticeship levy was introduced, according to the CIPD.

Apprenticeship levy needs more than devolution, argues HR

Despite new calls to hand local UK councils greater powers over apprenticeship levy funding, HR experts have said that a focus on improving criticised areas of the levy should not fall off the agenda.


UK lags behind US on AI adoption at work

UK office workers are lagging behind their American counterparts when it comes to adopting AI in the workplace, research has revealed.

Game on: the progress of gamification in HR

The use of game-like structures in HR functions has proved popular for the past few years, but has it now had its day? Edmund Tirbutt reports

HR needs to stop feeling the need to be superheroes

HR has changed almost unrecognisably in the 20 years since I started my career.