
Has tech taken the soul out of recruiting?

Recruiters and candidates are increasingly using technology to manage the high volume of available roles. How is this impacting the recruiting experience? Tim Stone investigates.

Internal comms and personalisation - what HR needs to learn from marketing

HR professionals play a vital role in maintaining a strong company culture and ensuring employee engagement.

Clunky HR tech costing businesses 26 hours per employee

Poorly designed HR tools are damaging productivity and frustrating employees, according to new research.

Four ways to get people to care about HR data

There's a joke among HR specialists that the most requested report from company stakeholders is an annual list of employee birthdays. The problem is that even in 2023, the joke isn’t too far from the...

Cryptocurrency fraud sparks concerns over adoption of new tech

A headline-making workplace cryptocurrency fraud has reignited debate on how far employer policies should change to guard against the impact of evolving technologies at work.


Payroll errors costing businesses £150,000 a year

UK businesses are losing up to £150,000 a year through payroll errors, according to research from HR, payroll and finance software provider MHR.

Employer podcasts preferred over company-wide emails

Podcasts could be the answer to email fatigue as around half (47%) of employees said they would rather listen to one that receive a company-wide email.

Businesses look to metaverse to enhance hybrid working

Two thirds (66%) of business leaders see the metaverse as the next stage of hybrid working.

How I got here: Fiona Mullan, Bloom & Wild

Fiona Mullan, chief people officer at Bloom & Wild, shares her tips for a varied and successful career in HR.

Watch: Where do you draw the line with social media screening?

Is there a limit to the amount of screening companies should do of candidate's social media? We put the question to our expert panellists from in the latest HR Lunchtime Debate - now available on...

Companies alienating workforce by ignoring worker opinion

Employers are guilty of ignoring the opinions of their workforce when it comes to making important decisions.

What does a futureproof HR strategy look like?

When thinking about the next five to 10 years in your organisation, sustainability is a question that will not go away. For example: how can we keep our talent for longer? What makes people happy?...