Shared parental leave

Reform Shared Parental Leave, urges the TUC

?The TUC is calling for an overhaul of Shared Parental Leave (SPL) in response to just 1% of eligible parents taking this up

Government maternity discrimination plans receive mixed reaction

The government has set out new proposals to protect pregnant women and new parents, as thousands of workers with children face job loss and discrimination

Flexible and part-time workers outperform full-time counterparts

The percentage of top performance ratings for part-time and reduced-hours workers is higher than across all staff, at 34% vs 14%, according to Working Families

Government urged to better support working fathers

Research finds half of fathers are unaware of Shared Parental Leave as government says more research is needed before higher funding can be given

Self-employed mothers earn less

?Just 20% of self-employed mothers are earning as much as they did before they had children

TEST Same-sex parents need inclusivity drives

TEST HR teams are always looking to create the most inclusive workplace cultures possible, but same-sex parents are likely to feel less supported.