Pregnant employee

Pregnant HR manager awarded £19k after dismissal on "trumped up" charges

An HR manager has been awarded over £19k for pregnancy discrimination after her employer bullied and dismissed her on “trumped up” charges.

Calling pregnant employee ‘emotional’ was discrimination, tribunal rules

Describing a pregnant employee 'emotional and tearful' is pregnancy discrimination, an employment tribunal ruled.

Pregnant worker given parenting tips before sacking wins tribunal case

A woman made redundant two months before she was due to go on maternity leave has won £130,000 from an employment tribunal.

Government backs new bills for pregnant workers and unpaid carers

The government has thrown its support behind new laws designed to help both pregnant workers and unpaid carers in the UK.

Paid pregnancy loss leave offered to just a quarter of employees

Only a quarter (25%) of employees who experienced pregnancy or baby loss in the past five years received paid compassionate leave from their employer, according to research from the CIPD.

Nine in 10 women want better health support at work

A new survey has found the majority of women think there should be more support in their workplace when it comes to female health issues.

Pregnant worker wins unfair dismissal tribunal

A spa employee has been awarded a settlement by her former employer after a tribunal found she was unfairly dismissed for being pregnant.

Abortion support policy introduced by Ladbible

Media company Ladbible has introduced a new abortion policy to staff globally which includes offering up to 10 days paid leave for an abortion procedure.

HSE introduces risk assessments for pregnant workers

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has updated its guidance for employers of pregnant women or new mothers.

IVF: Dos and don’ts for employers

The number of women having children in their forties has more than quadrupled in the last 30 years. Many now turn to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to start families later in life. Often they are at a...