Organisational culture

How to deal with the complexities of 'human' organisations

You may have noticed that organisations have started to include a reference to ‘human’ in some aspect of their culture, strategy or branding. Why?

Media attention fears stopped 2013 Post Office Horizon investigation

Paula Vennells, former Post Office CEO, decided against conducting a review into the Horizon IT scandal in 2013, fearing that it would make front-page news, the inquiry heard last Thursday (23 May).

The best way to claw back UK business’s lost billions

We’re often told that one of the main things holding back UK business is the productivity gap – that we produce less per capita than our international competitors.

Majority of UK employees unable to take sick days

More than half (52%) of UK full-time employees did not take a single sick day in the 12 months since February 2021.

SMEs should focus on culture to retain staff

Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) should play to their strengths when it comes to retention, and focus on building a culture of recognition, according to research.

Fawcett Society outlines how to prevent workplace sexual harassment

Women's rights charity the Fawcett Society has set out five pillars to change organisational culture to help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Discrimination first aid: an effective tool at HR’s disposal?

A new discrimination first aid course has been launched to give employees the skills to face up to discrimination in the workplace. But will it become a standard in UK workplaces?

Met Police: blame only deepens cultural divide, expert warns

Sadiq Khan’s public criticism of former Metropolitan Police commissioner Cressida Dick has garnered both praise and blame in the press. But is it the right way to solve cultural issues the Met may...

The importance of accountability

If you haven't mastered accountability within your team then you can't become a productive organisation