Mental wellbeing

Why line managers are crucial when it comes to preventative employee health and wellbeing

When it comes to health and wellbeing in the workplace, line managers define the culture in their teams and are key to unlock preventative health. So it makes perfect sense to support them, and give...

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Stephen Bevan, employee wellbeing trailblazer, has passed away

Stephen Bevan, a frontrunner in HR research and a leading voice on workplace wellbeing, died on 19 June 2024. We report this news with great sadness, and publish this report in tribute to Bevan and...

Eight reasons why you should support employees’ mental health

Did you know that one in six people will experience a common mental health problem in any given week? It’s also estimated that 17.1 million workdays were lost between 2022 and 2023 due to work-related...

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HR leaders see mental health absences rise, report shows

Nearly half (49%) of HR leaders reported seeing an increase in mental health absences, a report by mental wellbeing platform Headspace has revealed.

Loneliness leads to high mental health risk for 33% of employees, report shows

A third of UK workers have a high mental health risk driven by loneliness, a report by healthcare provider Telus Health has found. 

Three ways to avoid ‘wellbeing washing’ in the workplace

‘Wellbeing washing’ has been getting an increasing focus in the business world. But is it a fair description of what’s really happening in mental health and wellbeing in workplaces?

How HR can make better use of new WHO mental health guidelines

There’s no doubt, the new World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines are a milestone. At last, a bold and bracing statement of the challenge facing the world: there is no health without mental health,...

Keeping wellbeing simple

If the past two years have taught us anything, it's the importance of wellbeing and our job's role in maintaining our happiness and a healthier physical and mental wellbeing.

UK draft Mental Health Bill criticised on improving workplace mental health

The government's draft Mental Health Bill has been criticised for its lack of impact on workplace mental health.

Wellbeing should be on a par with health and safety, says BSC

For World Wellbeing Week, employers are being urged to make wellbeing as important as health and safety.

Work/life balance is actually about work and love

The balance between work and life has become a tug-of-war that none of us can win. The two are intertwined like a bowl of spaghetti and there will always be a carry-over of the effects of stress and...

Understanding the spectrum of mental health support needs at work

The last two years have taken their toll on almost all of us. From the isolation of Covid-19 lockdowns to the current cost of living crisis and war in Ukraine, everyone’s mental wellbeing will have...