Mental health

Supporting employees with young people's mental health: a business imperative

Children with poor mental health can have a ripple effect on care givers and family members.

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Content moderators diagnosed with PTSD sue Meta

More than 140 former Facebook content moderators have been diagnosed with severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that was reportedly caused by exposure to graphic social media content.

How to boost employees’ mental health

What’s causing poor mental health? And how can HR leaders improve employees’ mental wellbeing at work?

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HR: Do more to support men who are struggling

Movember, a month-long focus on male health, is an important reminder for HR to support men, and others, who are struggling in the workplace.

How Cook supports people back into work

With 9.26 million people out of work in the UK, the demand on employers to help them back to work has never been higher. Food manufacturer and retailer Cook created its Ready and Working (RAW) Talent...

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): How HR can help

Around 3% of people in the UK have winter seasonal depressive disorder (SAD), according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists. As the winter months approach, we asked what HR can do to support...

Facing the frontline workers’ wellbeing crisis

Abuse and violence levied at UK workers seems to be at an all-time high. Could senior HR teams do more? Megan Tatum investigates.

Supporting domestic abuse survivors: Three things HR should know

Employers do not have to be experts in domestic abuse, but they should understand how to support victim-survivors, said leaders at the Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse conference (16 October...

The cost of neglecting mental health in the workplace

When cutting costs is imperative, employers might deprioritise initiatives that don't provide immediate or visible returns. This mindset can result in scaling back employee wellbeing programmes,...

Employers can’t fly blind on employee mental health

Mental health has become a critical factor when it comes to effectively managing the workforce. But employers can still find themselves lacking the necessary insight into issues that mental health...

Young people’s mental health: How can employers support caregivers in the workplace?

The mental health of young people affects their parents and caregivers at work. So how can HR ensure that it gives them best possible support?

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Should the UK adopt an out-of-hours work ban?

Keir Starmer’s government may introduce a ‘right to switch off’, as part of its ‘new deal for workers’. But is banning employers from contacting staff out of hours the right approach?