Nine in 10 employees do not know that the best way to save the life of someone considering suicide is to ask them directly whether they have a plan to end their life, according to research by social...
Two thirds (65%) of workers do not use their full annual leave allowance, research by Breathe, a HR platform for SMEs, has found.
Managers are facing increased pressure as employees demand more support with their mental wellbeing, our commentator reported. We asked HR how to support managers with their own mental health while...
A quarter (25%) of employees had thoughts of suicide or self harm in the last two weeks, a survey by wellbeing technology provider, Wysa, revealed today. The proportion expanded to one in three (36%)...
Employees of the Chinese supermarket chain Pang Dong Lai have been offered up to 10 days of “unhappiness leave”, The Guardian reported. Should UK businesses offer a similar benefit?
Nearly half (49%) of HR leaders reported seeing an increase in mental health absences, a report by mental wellbeing platform Headspace has revealed.
Half of neurodivergent employees have taken time off work due to their neurodivergence, City & Guilds’ annual Neurodiversity Index found. This increased 5% from last year.
Supporting mental health is generally understood in the UK to be a key element in employee health and wellbeing. However, attitudes towards mental health differ around the world.
A majority (67%) of line managers know how to spot early warning signs of poor mental wellbeing, according to new research.