
Bereavement and baby loss: How HR can support

Less than half (44%) of people who experienced pregnancy or baby loss felt confident talking to a work colleague about their loss, research by Sands, a charity that supports people experiencing...

Baby Loss Awareness Week: How to support your employees

One in four pregnancies in the UK end in loss during pregnancy or birth and therefore it is likely that in any organisation, a number of employees will have been or will be affected by baby loss.

How compassionate is your company?

This week is National Grief Awareness Week, an important time to reflect and open up the conversation around grief, so we can support friends, family, or colleagues who may be experiencing it. But...

Paid pregnancy loss leave offered to just a quarter of employees

Only a quarter (25%) of employees who experienced pregnancy or baby loss in the past five years received paid compassionate leave from their employer, according to research from the CIPD.

HR responsibilities during a mourning period

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, businesses face the task of navigating a UK-wide mourning period.

Dealing with overwhelm during grief

As we process our various emotions to the news of the Queen’s death, a few thoughts have surfaced for me since the announcement. Whether you read this from the perspective of helping to process your...

How should HR help employees going through a break up?

Grief is not exclusive to bereavement. Some definitions describe grief as ‘the conflicting emotions brought by the change of a familiar pattern’.