Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology, University College London

Previously a lecturer in psychology at Pembroke College, Oxford, Adrian Furnham has been professor of psychology at University College London since 1992.

Adrian Furnham has lectured widely abroad and held scholarships and visiting professorships at, among others, the universities of New South Wales, the West Indies, Hong Kong and KwaZulu-Natal. He has also been a visiting professor of management at Henley Management College and in 2009 was made adjunct professor of management at the Norwegian School of Management.

Furnham has written more than 700 scientific papers and authored/co-authored 57 books, including The Protestant Work Ethic: The Psychology of Work Related Beliefs and Behaviours (1990), The Psychology of Culture Shock (2001) and The Elephant in the Boardroom: The Causes of Leadership Derailment (2009).

He was educated at the London School of Economics, where he obtained a distinction in his master’s, and at Oxford University where he completed a doctorate in philosophy in 1981. He subsequently earned two further doctorates, in science and of letters.

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