Michael West, professor of work and organisational psychology, Lancaster University Management School and senior fellow, The King’s Fund

Michael West joined The King's Fund in 2013 where he is now head of thought leadership. He is professor of work and organisational psychology at Lancaster University Management School, senior research fellow at The Work Foundation, and emeritus professor at Aston University. He was formerly executive dean of Aston Business School.

He graduated from the University of Wales in 1973 and received his PhD in 1977 for work on the psychology of meditation. He has authored, edited and co-edited 20 books and has published more than 200 articles for scientific and practitioner publications, as well as chapters in scholarly books. He is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, British Psychological Society, American Psychological Association (APA), International Association of Applied Psychologists, British Academy of Management, and CIPD.

His work on culture and compassionate leadership, healthcare team effectiveness and innovation have had a significant influence on healthcare policy in the UK and internationally. He lectures widely, both nationally and internationally, on the results of his research and on his solutions for developing effective and innovative organisations.

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