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Technip standardises its HR process across 48 countries

Technip, the engineering, technologies and project management company for the oil and gas industry, has launched an online platform to manage the recruitment, internal mobility, performance management and career development of its 23,000 employees globally.

Using Jobpartners, Technip has standardised its HR processes across 48 countries. It has deployed several solutions for talent management and performance.
Previously, each regional division within the company had its own process for managing talent. In 2008 Technip launched a comprehensive three-year business plan to design global HR processes, which could be standardised across the company to create better, globally-consistent talent management processes and a common database of employee information.


A strong focus was placed on performance evaluation, the ability to build succession plans, improved retention and internal mobility, as well as ‘job mapping’. Moreover, the challenge was to find, select and deploy a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that would be fully operational in the required timeframe. By selecting a SaaS solution Technip would enjoy a number of benefits, including lower costs and a faster deployment.
Technip and Jobpartners were challenged with deploying a comprehensive and consistent SaaS platform in just four months and in seven different languages.  The solution is known internally to Technip as HRWeb and includes:

- ActiveRecruiter, for recruitment and internal mobility
- ActiveCenter, a multinational HR data store
- ActivePerformer, a versatile performance planning and management solution
- ActivePlanner, a personalised career development and succession planning solution.
ActiveRecruiter’s internal mobility suite has already been successfully deployed with the external recruitment suite to follow shortly.
Thierry Parmentier, group vice-president of HR at Technip, said: "The solution has exceeded our expectations both through its rapid deployment and also the immediate employee adoption. To meet the strong growth objectives of the group at international level, we absolutely had to identify talent and provide a clear development plan that was consistent with our overall company objectives.

"The flexible and modular nature of Jobpartners’ solutions and its ability to precisely match our existing HR processes were vital ingredients for a successful project. In addition, Jobpartners’ commitment to the success of this project has enabled us to deploy the entire solution in a record-setting timeline."