The new rules, which come into effect in England, Scotland and Wales on Monday, will mean parents of children aged between 12 and 16 will no longer be able to claim income support but can only claim job-seekers allowance if they are actively looking for work.
According to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), there are 1.8 million lone parents in the UK and 56.3% are currently in employment. The DWP claims people claiming jobseekers allowance will receive the same amount as they would have done when claiming income support.
Tony McNulty, minister for employment and welfare reform, said: "Now more than ever it is important to help people prepare for work and move closer to the labour market.
"In the 80s and 90s people were moved onto incapacity benefits and left to languish with no help or support to return to work. These changes will ensure lone parents are ready for work whenever jobs become available."
Lone parents forced to be jobseekers when child hits 12

Lone parents will have to seek work when their youngest child turns 12, or lose their benefits.