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Institute urges government not to cut funding from disabled staff

Physiotherapists are urging government not to remove funding that helps public sector employees gain or remain in employment.

The Department for Work and Pensions has proposed removing public sector funding from the Access to Work scheme, which, according to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), improved the employment opportunities for 24,000 disabled people from 2006-2007.
The CSP has reported that the funding is to be removed from the public sector.
Cliff Towson, a chartered physiotherapist and shop steward, proposed the motion to Trade Union Congress in Brighton. He said: "There's an incorrect perception among some employers that the additional support needed by many disabled workers will be expensive.
"We urge the government to look seriously at the impact its plans will have on disabled workers. We want it to expand Access to Work throughout both the private and public sectors, not withdraw it. Otherwise we will see a backward step for people with disabilities. This can only harm their employment prospects."