The two-tick symbol was launched in 1990 to improve conditions for disabled people in the workplace. It has so far been awarded to 8,387 employers in the UK.
The paper, Employer Disability Practice in Britain, was compiled by researchers from Warwick Business School and Cass Business School. It looked at the practices of 100 UK companies with and without the two-tick accreditation.
The research investigated how many of the five commitments required to hold the two-tick symbol employers are delivering. It revealed that just 15% of the employers awarded the two-tick symbol adhered to the five commitments, while 18% are not adhering to any of them. More than one-third (38%) are only keeping one of the promises made.
The commitments are:
1) To interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy and to consider them on their abilities.
2) At least once a year, discuss with disabled employees what both parties can do to make sure they develop and use their abilities.
3) To make every effort to ensure staff stay in employment, should they become disabled.
4) Ensure all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness.
5) To review these commitments each year and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans.
Kim Hoque, professor of human resources management at Warwick Business School and co-author of the report, said that unless practices improve, the two-tick symbol is an "empty shell".
“The Government is aiming to reduce the number of disability benefit claimants by moving one million of them into employment" he said.
"These plans are dependent upon employers being receptive to taking on disabled people in larger numbers, but our research has shown that the widespread adoption of the two ticks symbol is not indicative of this happening.”