The survey also shows almost one in 10 employers (9%) have decided to delay the pay review, but almost all (99%) plan not to cut pay.
Market rates are considered the most important factor in determining pay levels for well over half of all respondents (60%). Ability to pay is the most important factor for one in four organisations (26%).
For managing pay progression, the most common approach is to link pay to a measure of individual performance (61%), either on its own or in combination with another factor, such as competencies.
The survey of 280 respondents, intended as a benchmarking and information resource in respect to current and emerging practice in UK reward management, also finds that two-thirds (67%) of organisations are operating performance-related reward schemes.
Merit pay rises (56%) and individual bonuses (54%) are the most common forms of performance-related reward. One in three (29%) organisations also operates individual non-monetary recognition awards for clerical and manual employees.
The survey also reveals latest pension practice, with nearly every respondent organisation offering a pension scheme to its employees with an employer contribution. Over two-thirds (69%) of open pension schemes offered are defined contribution schemes, while a quarter (25%) are defined benefit. Around two-fifths (41%) of employers are intending to make changes to their pension arrangements within the next year, with the most common being a shift to salary sacrifice (28% of all those making a change), to increase employee defined benefit contributions (26%) and switch from RPI to CPI (21%).
And most employers are relaxed about the abolition of the Default Retirement Age (DRA), with the majority (52%) saying they would allow employees to work as long as they are able, so that they have the opportunity to build up savings for retirement. Four out of 10 (42%) respondents thought it was too early to say what their response would be. A quarter (25%) said they would improve their performance management system, while around one in ten (12%) will objectively justify a retirement age.
Charles Cotton (pictured), performance and reward adviser, CIPD, said: "In the context of public sector spending cuts and cautious economic growth in parts of the private sector, it's not surprising that not all organisations have been in a position to make a pay award this year. The findings also show that this competitive environment is having the effect of encouraging employers to focus on linking pay rises and bonuses to employee and organisational performance.
"We expect there will not be much change to the proportion of organisations making a pay award in 2012. This is again due to a public sector that doesn't have much money to play around with as employers freeze pay, scrap bonus schemes and ask employees to pay more towards their pensions. Some private sector organisations will also find it hard to increase pay, if their part of the economy does not grow as quickly as anticipated."
Matt Waller, CEO, Benefex, added: "With the backdrop of longer working lives and the need for employees to build up larger savings for retirement, it is not surprising to see so many employers now embracing the removal of the default retirement age and an acceptance that employees should be allowed to do the job as long as capable.
"However, with the significant burden of pensions auto-enrolment, it is fascinating to see such a large percentage of organisations state that the changes would not impact on the value of their pension offering, but that the Government is acting in a responsible way in educating and communicating to employees about the pension reforms."