“The temptation is to provide health and safety training to frontline staff but overlook senior staff,” he said.
“These individuals often work very long hours, don’t always eat properly and experience high stress levels,” said Daw, adding that senior employees typically have needs very particular to them.
Daws added he was encouraged by health and wellbeing gradually moving up the HR agenda.
Virgin Media has recently embarked upon a study to test the benefits of using standing desks for two hours a day. Previous studies suggest sitting for long periods of time can result in greater risk of type two diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses.
HR magazine is holding a live HR Lunchtime Debate broadcast on building the business case for wellbeing on 24 June 2015 in conjunction with Unum.
The debate will explore why wellbeing often isn't viewed as a boardroom issue and features Matt Freeland, senior HR director (European Snacks Category Supply Chain) at PepsiCo, Stephen Bevan, director of the Centre for Workforce Effectiveness at The Work Foundation, Anthony Douglas, CEO at Cafcass and Joanne Abate, assistant VP global health management at Unum.
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