- Extending the right to request flexible working to all employees
- Flexible working arrangements in job design and recruitment.
- The first all-age careers service.
- Investment in jobcentres to help support carers’ return to work.
- Promoting assistive living technologies.
- Promoting the importance of flexibility and understanding from employers.
Employers for Carers states that one in seven people in the UK are carers and that one in six carers give up or cut back on work in order to meet their care responsibilities.
Caroline Waters OBE, director of people and policy for BT Group and chair of Employers for Carers said: "Forward looking employers are already supporting the carers in their workforce to remain in, or return to, employment with demonstrable business benefits.
"However, we also need good public services – right across care and support, education and skills – to truly make the choice to work a reality for carers."