A joint research project from career management provider Fairplace and Manchester Business School found one of the most popular career management interventions is promoting internal opportunities for jobs with 57% saying they very frequently or always engaged in this practice.
Other popular career management interventions include 360° feedback for personal development (48% very frequently/always), personal development plans or, more appropriately, the conversations that generate the plan (38% very frequently/always and outplacement to help individuals when they exit the organisation (33% very frequently/always).
Although three quarters never or very infrequently hold career coaching clinics, more than half (57%) said they were considering the provision of support and guidance, 45% are considering mentoring programmes and 39% are seeing a high possibility
The aim of the research was to identify current employer opinion and perceptions regarding career management for their employees and, in particular given an economy emerging from recession, to establish plans and ambitions for the next year.
Participants to the survey and focus groups defined career management as a contract between employers and employees to take a strategic view of their employees' careers focus for the benefit of both parties. Career management is seen as a symbiotic relationship between employer and employee in that there is mutual benefit to both parties.
It was found that an employee self invests for continued employability and mapping out future career paths. Employers increase the chances of retaining key personnel and boost their attractiveness to potential employees as an employer of choice. They also provide ‘future proofing' through creating a more agile workforce that is better able to respond to the changing needs of a marketplace requiring new skill sets and a faster speed of response.