Process holiday requests quickly and efficiently
To book a holiday or request a day off in lieu using LeaveMaster, rather than filling out a form or a spreadsheet, employees simply log into a web-based application, which they can access no matter where they are. They can see how many days holiday they've already taken, how many days they have left and who is already away on the days they want to take off, before requesting their leave online.
This triggers an email to their line manager, who can see who else is away on the days requested, before authorising or denying the request at the click of a button. Details of all upcoming employee leave is then stored in a leave calendar, which can be accessed via the application, or integrated into an outlook calendar.
Make informed decisions before granting leave
By storing data on all types of employee leave and absence, from holidays and training days to unplanned absences and sickness, in a single, secure place, LeaveMaster gives managers a clear, accurate and up-to-the-minute picture of who's in and who's out of the office on any working day, so they can make informed decisions before approving leave and avoid leaving their teams short staffed.
And thanks to LeaveMaster's exporting and reporting functions, managers and HR professionals can also use the data stored in the application to identify absenteeism patterns and trends that would otherwise have been overlooked, such as days of the week or times of the year when absence levels are particularly high, and take action to improve attendance on problematic days.
Simple to set up and effortless to use, LeaveMaster:
- Establishes a single system for applying for leave across your organisation
- Substantially reduces the time you need to spend on holiday administration
- Eliminates the costly admin errors and mislaid paperwork typically associated with manual holiday booking systems
- Deters staff from taking unwarranted sick days by creating a permanent, irrefutable record of sick leave for all employees
- Automatically calculates the ongoing Bradford Factor score for every employee in your organisation for you
- Helps you minimise the impact of staff absence by showing you at-a-glance who's going to be away and when
Contact Information
Name: Saleel Panthakkalakath
Web address: