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CIPD 'Spotlight On' Absence Management Conference

16 October Birmingham or 22 October London.

CIPD ‘Spotlight On' Absence Management Conference

The latest CIPD research shows that absence costs have risen to an average of £666 per employee per year.  Effective absence management can help to reduce this cost, whilst also help to increase employee engagement levels and ultimately improve business performance.

The CIPD ‘Spotlight On' Absence Management Conference in October will tackle the key issues in absence management today and demonstrate practical ways for you to develop an attendance culture at your organisation.

 Find out more about the conference

The conference is your ideal opportunity to discover the latest research into absence management and to identify practical methods to help you overcome your existing absence challenges.

 Attend the conference and discover:

  • the latest challenges and trends in absence management
  • ways to rehabilitate the long-term sick successfully back into work
  • how to prevent and reduce stress in your organisation
  • what's new in employment law and how it will affect your business
  • how you can develop a culture of well-being at work.


Hear from best-practice organisations including:

  • RSA
  • Transport for London
  • East Sussex County Council
  • GlaxoSmithKline

The conference will be held in Birmingham on 16 October and in London on 22 October.  If you would like to find out more or book your place please click here