
Legislation | Work immigration changes HR teams should be aware of in 2023

Springtime, and the Home Office has announced a number of work immigration changes rolling out across next year. Below is a summary of key changes HR teams should be aware of.

D&I | Looking at recognition through a DEI lens

The majority of companies in the UK have a strategy that addresses diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and are investing in programmes to drive awareness and change in this important area. But let...

D&I Clinic | How can we encourage more men to be involved in DEI practices?

The D&I Clinic is a space for HR professionals to anonymously air their challenging D&I questions. Our guest expert Nadia Nagamootoo discusses men’s role in creating equity at work.

ESG | Wellbeing and sustainability challenges need to be tackled together

The interlink between climate change, people’s health and the health of the planet are increasingly being recognised, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) commenting that climate change is the...

IPOs | Preparing to go public: tips for navigating the winding road to listing

Working for a business that is ambitious and fast-growing is an exciting employee proposition. Being on the IPO track signals the potential for greater investment and scalability, market profile and...

Harassment | How should employers deal with the sharing of employees' private images?

Employers have a legal duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees, so far as is reasonable practicable.

Business psychology | Walking the outcomes talk

One of the advantages of having worked in retail management prior to completing my masters in occupational psychology, was the opportunity to identify why some of my previous approaches to management...

Employment law | Worker Protection Bill: implications for employers and their employees

The Workers Protection Bill which passed through the House of Commons at the end of March proposes an amendment to the Equality Act 2010 by reintroducing liability of employers for harassment of its...

Pay | What does the minimum wage increase really mean for workers?

April 2023's increase in the National Living Wage to £10.42 is a welcome boost for many workers who are at the sharp end of the cost of living crisis.

Pay and reward | Pay transparency: seven lessons

Employees are rightly demanding more transparency and openness around rewards, and we at JTI UK have long wanted to rise to the challenge. But we also knew greater disclosure comes with risks.

Data | Four ways to get people to care about HR data

There's a joke among HR specialists that the most requested report from company stakeholders is an annual list of employee birthdays. The problem is that even in 2023, the joke isn’t too far from the...

Compliance | Navigating the whistleblowing landscape

We only need to pick up a newspaper to realise how central whistleblowing is to the public interest. And, as changes are forthcoming, staying ahead is crucial to business and HR success.