Fat Cat Thursday spotlights "grossly excessive" exec pay

Continued government focus, shareholder and RemCo pressure, and better succession planning all cited as potential solutions

Just over half think businesses are ethical

?Only 52% of British people believe that businesses behave ethically, marking a slight improvement in public opinion

Revised corporate governance code proposes wider RemCo remit

The FRC consultation also includes plans to require firms to publish their executive gender balance and on worker representation on boards

Government introduces new corporate reforms

All of the UK's listed companies will be required to annually publish and justify their CEO to worker pay ratios

Average FTSE 100 CEO pay drops

There's also been a significant drop in pay ratios between the average employee and their CEO

The BBC pay report: You are now entering an era of transparency

Publication of the BBC's pay report may be a milestone on the way to greater pay transparency generally

We need to connect CEO pay to total stakeholder value

Executive pay is broken. Can we fix it by linking remuneration to total stakeholder value?

Publish pay ratios and put workers on RemCos, says CIPD

The CIPD and High Pay Centre have made several recommendations to the government around executive pay

Companies must justify high pay

Prime minister Theresa May said she wants to ensure "everybody plays by the same rules"

Businesses must tackle 'ownerless corporations'

Chris Philp, MP (Con) for Croydon South, calls for shareholder committees and mandatory pay ratios

FTSE 100 CEO pay rises another 10%

The High Pay Centre finds little sign of CEO pay in the FTSE 100 slowing down

Public sector HR: The challenges ahead

Brexit, the Council Spending Review, the National Living Wage and executive pay are just some of the challenges faced in the year ahead, says new PPMA president Sue Evans