What are the warning signs that your team is in conflict?

Conflict is quite normal and to be expected in a team. A team that doesn’t experience any conflict is probably not working as a team at all.  

Training is the answer to skills and retention fears, businesses decide

Two-fifths (41%) of UK companies will implement large-scale upskilling or reskilling programmes to retain top talent and address skills shortages.

Dump flawed employee assistance programmes

Life has changed substantially throughout the pandemic and the workplace has changed with it. It would be willfully ignorant to continue using the same outdated systems that we used to use, despite...

How HR can help dyslexic employees

Dyslexia is the most common neurodiversity. Statistically speaking, as many as one in five of your employees is likely to be dyslexic, so it’s incredibly important HR understands it and supports...

Embrace emotion for inclusion success, say experts

HR should embrace emotion at the core of its D&I strategy and drop a sterile attitude towards data gathering, according to the authors of a new report.

Hybrid working: building a sustainable long-term strategy

We’ve heard a lot about remote and hybrid working, and out of necessity most organisations have cobbled together remote working strategies that were the best possible solution under the circumstances....

Over half of UK employees have felt excluded at work

According to research, over half (56%) of UK employees have felt personally excluded in their current workplace, representing a dangerous drain on productivity and a moral issue for HR.

Are chief happiness officers a gimmick?

Law firm Clifford Chance made headlines last week when its co-head of tech Jonathan Kewley proposed the appointment of a chief happiness officer responsible for keeping staff’s spirits high.

Why has it taken a pandemic to care about people?

“It’s all about our people”, organisations say. But why has it taken a pandemic to make wellbeing or working flexibly a priority? The key is culture, honest leadership, new ways of working, and...

Love at work: what work wives and husbands mean for business

Being close with colleagues is a huge strength for teams, but when it comes to ‘work wives’ or ‘work husbands,’ is there such thing as too much love at work?

Does 2022 present an opportunity for HR to go back to basics?

In a time characterised by uncertainty, it’s hard to see what’s ahead. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, however, as Dominic Bernard reports.

Financial education is now a necessity

Financial education has become a significant part of the wellbeing offering, as the UK sees a surge in the cost of living.