Where are the best places to work in 2020?

Great Place to Work has announced its 2020 winners despite being unable to hold its annual awards gala

HR responds to COVID-19: Hertfordshire County Council

The ‘human touch’ has been fundamental to helping employees at Hertfordshire County Council respond to coronavirus.

HR warned to look out for signs of domestic violence during remote working

HR leaders have been warned that remote working may see a rise in domestic abuse cases after calls to the National Domestic Abuse helpline saw a 25% increase since the lockdown began.

Hot topic: Businesses using palm oil

A report published by the WWF listed the British businesses failing to meet commitments to only sell products containing palm oil from ‘sustainable’ sources

Protecting people's futures at the PPF

Over the years the Pension Protection Fund’s CPO has increased the reputation and influence of HR, enabling it to introduce key initiatives that benefit the business and the wider local community

How can businesses become more sustainable?

We are in a climate emergency, and experts from HR magazine’s lunchtime debate yesterday (18 March) argued that HR should be helping businesses to become carbon neutral

Climate change among workers’ top concerns

UK employees are becoming more vocal about the climate emergency in the workplace, according to research

The post #MeToo workplace: What’s really changed?

Social movements can have a long-lasting effect on the way that we work. They can bring about positive change and allow what were once delicate topics to be openly discussed

Lessons from the C-suite: Charlie Bigham

After two decades we’re still true to our principles

Employers’ views on climate change biggest concern for young workers

Millennials and Generation Z want to see greater social purpose and specific behaviour change from businesses, according to a Purpose Pulse report

Most believe office romances are acceptable

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of UK employees believe having a workplace romance shouldn’t be a sackable offence, according to a Perkbox survey

Good company culture needed in UK businesses

The need to define culture and its importance in the workplace should not be underestimated