Social media in workplace investigations

It can be tempting for HR to police employees’ social media, but there is a better approach.

Walk the walk when it comes to social action

I have a clear belief that business can be a fundamental driver of positive social change, in fact I’d go further and say that it has an obligation to do so.

Off-the-record complaints and how to handle them

There have been various news reports of high-profile workplace bullying or harassment allegations over the past few months.

Shift workers rate best and worst UK employers for 2023

NATS, formerly the National Air Traffic Service, defence contractor BAE Systems and consumer goods company Unilever have been ranked as the top three employers for shift workers in the UK.

The three elements of post-merger integration

If I asked you what makes workforce integrations challenging, how many different answers would I get? Well, to make it easier, I have identified three key elements that all HR teams should...

It’s time to rethink your employer branding campaign

One of the biggest obstacles that candidates experience when searching for a job is not knowing what it’s like to work for the company they are applying to.

Addressing employee expectations of mental health support

When looking at the Covid pandemic through an HR lens, other than an increased sense of camaraderie, it can be challenging to think of an upside.

Five tips to avoid the destructive reality of poor DEIB activity

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEI) has emerged as a key element of business and HR strategies as companies focus on building inclusive workplaces that drive sustainable growth and...

Inclusion could benefit from good relationship habits

One of the key challenges to diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) strategic initiatives is making lasting change that “sticks”.

Should your staff work in the metaverse?

The metaverse has the potential to revolutionise working practices and allow us to collaborate in ways we never imagined before.

Using a Diversity Dictionary to overcome fear of saying the wrong thing

The benefits of a business with people from different backgrounds are clear. Not only does it bring diversity of thought and allow people to learn from different experiences, but it can also help...

How compassionate is your company?

This week is National Grief Awareness Week, an important time to reflect and open up the conversation around grief, so we can support friends, family, or colleagues who may be experiencing it. But...