What are the psychological risks of remote working?

Inclusivity is an essential component in any workplace. It allows employees to experience a shared sense of belonging, which, in turn, enables them to feel comfortable, confident and inspired....

Why ‘one big family’ is one big red flag

What does family mean to you? What does it mean to your colleagues? Your potential recruits? For such an often-used term, family can be a divisive word. For some it can mean a supportive, safe...

What is your response to employee activism? Part two

If you think your organisation is apolitical, think again. A failure to engage in social and environmental issues makes you part of the problem, say Megan Reitz and John Higgins

What is your response to employee activism? Part one

If you think your organisation is apolitical, think again. A failure to engage in social and environmental issues makes you part of the problem, say Megan Reitz and John Higgins

Ontological security at work

Ontological security is a relatively new framework in the area of psychology. Until the early 90s it was generally believed that humans were primarily concerned with physical security before anything...

Applying organisational diagnosis to design rewards for an international workforce, part 2

Patricia Inez Meiring, doctoral student in organisational psychology and risk with Middlesex University, explains the theory and practice of organisational diagnosis modelling

How to break habits to create new ways of thinking

A desire for self-improvement is a very natural human trait, particularly when it comes to wellbeing.

Leading by example

'Lead by example' is one of those oft-touted, but much less often enacted phrases used in management. HR, legal, and compliance professionals spend a lot of time crafting policies which set the rules...

Employees need space to redefine themselves after a restructure

?HR must be mindful of the impact organisational change will have on employee identity.

Beyond ‘race washing’ - how to make sure your business is a race ally

Research in social psychology suggests that, at a very primal level, the human default position is to congregate into groups that afford us safety. Our natural reaction is to reject the unfamiliar, in...

The fresh start effect: forgetting old behaviours when heading back to the workplace

?With many employees now working from home due to the coronavirus crisis, most businesses have had this unwelcome change thrust upon them.

The psychology of remote working: will you thrive or survive in a remote world?

There has been a considerable focus on the practical elements on remote working recently, from setting up an office to getting to grips with video conferencing. However, there has been a growing...