Entrepreneurship education boosts social mobility, and not just for startup founders 

Having a great idea for a product or service is seldom enough to become a successful entrepreneur. It is often a key component, but there are many other skills required.  

What are the warning signs that your team is in conflict?

Conflict is quite normal and to be expected in a team. A team that doesn’t experience any conflict is probably not working as a team at all.  

Instant message platforms: productivity tool, or just another distraction?

You hit send. One micro-task off the list. And added to someone else’s. Next!

Why managing time at work is the new frontier

Knowledge-based businesses have been evolving at pace, adjusting to our post-Brexit landscape, pandemic-enforced remote working and new hybrid working arrangements.

Ukraine conflict: how should HR engage with employees?

Amid concern over the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, HR can and should provide a steadying voice, according to experts.

Keeping internal communications open in times of crisis

Coronavirus has been an exercise in effective internal communications, but now the UK is, somewhat, out of the eye of the storm, what lessons is HR taking forward when preparing for future crises?...

Cutting through complexity  

If there’s one lesson we can take from the pandemic, it’s the importance of authentic, clear communication. We live in a world where government guidance on what we can and can’t do is ever-changing...

The noise of our workplaces is made out of silences

Most people engage in conversation for most of their working and social day, potentially consuming and generating significant creative energy, insights and collaborative possibility.

Costly cultural mistakes your employees make during Zoom calls and how to fix them

Pre-pandemic, when you boarded an international flight, there were incessant reminders that you were about to enter a different culture, starting with a safety briefing in multiple languages. Today,...

Should you ever use kisses in work emails?

The headline of this piece is likely to prompt a simple, one-word answer: ‘Noooooooooooooo!’

You can’t stop the beat: profile interview with Zoe Pacyna, REKOM UK

Despite nightclubs and the wider world of hospitality being one of the first business sectors to shut their doors when the coronavirus pandemic hit, Rekom UK’s Zoe Pacyna found it was far from a quiet...

A quarter of workers judge colleagues on their appearance

A quarter (25%) of workers ranked appearance as the most important factor when meeting someone for the first time at work, followed by personal hygiene (23%) and then someone’s job title (17%).