How can HR use big data to inform people strategy?

The fact the recent HR Tech Europe Spring conference in London focused not on technology but on data tells you just how important the issue is becoming for organisations.

BBC takes more innovative approach to attract and retain 'tech' talent to combat ‘Google effect’

The BBC is finding it increasingly difficult to keep its technology talent pipeline going as “non-traditional” threats are continually entering broadcasting and “sucking up” all the best young...

HR must change “fundamentally” in the digital age, says Direct Line HR director

The influence of technology in business is going to have a huge impact on the HR function, according to Mark Martin (pictured), HR director of insurance firm Direct Line.

Investors are more interested in HR data than ever before, says Morgan Stanley executive director

Investors and senior directors are more interested in talent data than ever before, but HR departments might not be primed to deliver, Jeremy Shapiro, executive director at Morgan Stanley said...

IT job cuts finally coming to an end, recruitment survey reveals

Job cuts in IT departments are finally coming to an end, with only one in 10 IT directors expecting to make job cuts in 2013, half the proportion planning job cuts a year ago, according to research...

Five point guide to capitalise on workforce development

An organisation with a communication culture is better equipped for staff retention, business productivity and a more fluid environment of talent mobility.

How to overcome learning technology barriers

Every year the Towards Maturity Benchmark Study gives a great insight into the attitudes and trends of learning innovation, by looking specifically at how learning and development professionals can...

Big data: an opportunity HR professionals cannot afford to ignore, global SHL report warns

In HR there is still untapped potential for the use of big data to enable employers to make better decisions about people, a report published today from measurement solutions company SHL has found.

The "Bring Your Own Device" trend lets employees take the lead

Flexible working, the agile workforce and employee mobility are terms that create a lot of buzz in the organisational HR department.

Social media has eroded workplace privacy

Employees' workplace privacy is being invaded by increased use of social media, according to a survey published today by security software firm AVG technologies.

Employers 'overlooking' valuable older workers, reveals skillsoft survey

Employers are failing to see the value and experience workers over 60 can offer, a survey published today by e-learning solution provider, Skillsoft has revealed.

The online threats faced by HR departments

Typically, HR departments are privy to a company’s most sensitive information, be it private details about individual employees ranging from their personal information and insight on their financial...