People drowning in non-useful tasks, Reclaim Your Time survey finds

The UK's productivity shortfall could be related to day-to-day misuse of time. Download our ebook to find out more

Josh Bersin on the trends that will disrupt HR

Josh Bersin, principal and founder of Bersin by Deloitte, speaks to HR magazine

Next generation employee engagement tools

Forget the yearly engagement survey, a raft of new technologies means engagement can be a daily occurrence

The future of HR technology

Technology is constantly changing, so how can HRDs stay ahead of the curve? Find out how to future-proof your technology strategy.

Social media still not widely used for work, says CIPD

A CIPD report into social media at work reveals social media is still not widely used for work, despite employees reporting the benefits it brings.

Social networking: the challenge for employers

As a result of the growth of online social networking sites in recent times, employers are being forced to address a number of related issues. Thoughts and opinions that would have once been exchanged...

Employers must keep up with new forms of communication, says Acas chief conciliator

Employers risk losing control of the flow of information to staff if they do not keep up with modern forms of communication, according to the the chief conciliator at the Advisory, Conciliation and...

Technology Guide: Wikinomics - The world is now your talent pool

Collaborative content generation is all the rage on the web. Now the open principles of Wikipedia are being applied to commercial consultancy. Robert Gray reports on a potential HR revolution.


Technology Guide: Interview - Linked-up thinking

The Wikinomics principle is coming to a website near you. Peter Crush speaks to LinkedIn's marketing director, Patrick Crane, about how global connectivity will be the activity of 2008.
