HRD's pocket guide to... social media

May's pocket guide talks the talk on social media in the workplace

Business must choose its digital future

A BITC event explored how automation and AI should be rolled out in the workplace

The five attributes of digital leadership

Your organisation has digital leaders, but they're not always in obvious places

HR must get up to speed with technology

A Purple Cubed debate panel discussed HR's role in a future workplace characterised by automation and AI

From hierarchy to productivity: Making better use of email

Email is the primary method of digital communication in the workplace. But it comes with hidden dangers

HRD's pocket guide to... crisis management

March's pocket guide explains how to come out on top of a crisis

The dark side of email

?Email has become both the boon and bane of workplace communication

Is the death of email nigh?

Though we all use it every day, email might not actually be all it's cracked up to be. So how to improve workplace digital communication?

Will AI augment or replace HR?

We investigate the different guises of artificial intelligence for HR and ask what organisations need to do to ensure they can exploit it

Expertly-led change management key to tech rollouts

Senior level buy-in, a shift in culture, and open book relationships are all crucial to implementing new solutions

AI and robotics an opportunity as well as a challenge

Themes explored at the Social Robotics and AI event included augmenting human creativity with technology and future skills

Help create tar-pit cyber security for your organisation

HR departments must seek to protect their own sensitive data and educate the wider organisation