Christine Deputy appointed group HR director at Aviva

Deputy will join the Aviva Group executive, reporting directly to Mark Wilson, group CEO.


The Lawn Tennis Association has appointed Vicky Williams as head of HR and development

Williams will lead the HR and L&D function for the LTA (the national governing body for tennis).


Keeping Gen Y happy: the secrets of FNZ's HR director

If there’s one word that trips off Daniel Kasmir’s tongue more than any during our interview it is ‘fun’.

Inside the world's largest food company: Interview with Nestlé HRD

There can’t be many HR directors who have responsibility for an organisation’s property, facilities and security functions.

Time to nominate the Most Influential HR directors and thinkers in 2013

Every year HR magazine compiles the HR Most Influential ranking: the definitive list of directors and thinkers who have the greatest influence in the field of people strategy. We are now looking for...

UK lags behind in global race to recruit innovative workers

The UK is falling behind many other countries in the global race to recruit the most innovative workers from abroad, research from the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has found.

Engagement Special: David MacLeod and Nita Clarke on Engage for Success

At the launch of Government-backed movement Engage for Success in November last year, a powerful video was shown. In it, a young man rails to the camera about how organisations in the UK should “give...

Heinz meanz business, says HRD Anne Sewell

Have you heard of LOL? I don’t mean today’s text talk for ‘laugh out loud’. Nor the ‘lots of love’ that ended every smitten Seventies girl’s letter to her sweetheart and recently made famous by...

Rexam appoints Nikki Rolfe as group HR director

Rexam, the global consumer packaging company, has appointed Nikki Rolfe (pictured) as group HR director.


Go-Ahead appoints Val Proctor as group HR director

Public transport provider Go-Ahead has appointed Val Proctor as group HR director.


MasterCard appoints Ron Garrow as chief HR officer

Ron Garrow has been appointed as chief human resources officer at MasterCard.


Why now is the time for training

With the skills gap still a major issue in workplaces today, a number of recent reports have pointed towards giving employers more involvement in the design of training programmes. It was interesting...