Pensions auto-enrolment: What SMEs can learn from larger companies

Clare Abrahams, head of auto-enrolment (AE) at Lorica Employee Benefits shares the lessons she's learned from working with big companies to implement AE over the past 12 months.

Auto-enrolment 'biggest' challenge for 40% of employers

Four in ten business leaders regard the implementation of auto-enrolment as the biggest challenge their organisation faces over the coming years, a study has found.

CDC pensions: What they mean for employers and staff

As confirmed by the Queens Speech on 4 June, plans are afoot to allow workers to contribute to something called a ‘collective pension’. Here is everything you need to know.

Pensions experts divided over CDC

Pensions suppliers and associations are failing to agree on the value of collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes after their introduction was announced, as expected, in the Queen’s speech...

Pensions psychology

Paul Farrell explains that pensions are not all about the numbers but about emotions

Queen to announce collective pension plans in speech

Plans for workers pay into collective savings schemes, as is the case in Holland, will be unveiled in the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday.

Employers would reject lower auto-enrolment threshold, says pensions lawyer

Business would not support Labour proposals to lower the minimum earnings threshold for auto-enrolment, according to a partner from law firm Irwin Mitchell.

Half of employees 'don't trust' pensions industry

Almost half (49%) of workers distrust the pensions industry, according to research by Capita Employee Benefits.

Staff and employers concerned over retirement savings

Most UK employees acknowledge they are not saving enough money for their retirement, according to a survey by Towers Watson.

People 'not interested' in pensions, say experts

The traditional concept of pensions as retirement savings will soon be outdated, according to a panel of experts.

Small businesses hiring staff to implement auto-enrolment

More than 60% of SMEs are brining in extra HR resources to cope with the rigours of staging auto-enrolment, a study of 200 companies by AutoenrolSME has found.

CPS report calls for radical changes to pension rules

Abolishing the lifetime allowance cap and reforming tax relief on pensions are among measures that could save the Treasury billions, a new report has recommended.
