Pension scams cost victims £91,000 each

As regulators launch a campaign to warn against pension scams, HR also has a vital role in protecting employees

Why Baby Boomers are leaving the workforce

The assumptions being made about older workers are astounding. These play a key factor in why many are ‘cashing out’ early

How to protect employees from pension scams

As soon as it became easier for people to access large chunks of money in one go they became a target of scammers

Employees struggle to meet living costs

Research from Thomsons Online Benefits finds that employers are not providing enough support to employees with financial issues

Savers believe minimum pension contribution is ‘recommended amount’

80% aren’t confident they’re saving enough for retirement, according to new research

Generation work: Preparing for the ageing workforce

Employees are going to have to work for longer before they retire. But what will the impact be and what should HR be doing now to address the issue?


23 million will work beyond the age of 65

Three-quarters (75%) of UK employees will have to work beyond state pension age, according to research from Canada Life

Workplace pensions savings fall to all-time low

The average amount being put into a workplace pension has fallen to an all-time low, despite an increase in the number of people saving for retirement

Young workers want digital pension information

?Organisations are failing to provide accessible ways for employees to find information about their pensions, PwC has found

Gender pay gap rules will trigger more equal pay claims

Equal pay claims are rarely about workers doing the same jobs. But there are many other situations in which claims are being brought

Salary sacrifice and pensions: The lowdown

Using salary sacrifice agreements as a way to increase pension contributions could be lucrative for both employer and employee

Pensions having no impact on attraction or retention

A 'quiet pension revolution' is taking place but businesses are struggling to engage employees
