Autumn Budget 2017: What can HR expect?

What can business and the HR community expect when it comes to skills, the gig economy, pensions and pay caps?

Download our free Guide to Workplace Pensions ebook

The pace of change in DC pensions over the past decade has been anything but leisurely so how can HR professionals keep up?

Cyber crime threat to pensions

Pensions data can be obtained by determined hackers

Teach employees to budget and save for retirement

A PLSA conference panel discussed the importance of financial education and opportunities for young employees to progress

Auto-enrolment provides £2,400 pension pot boost

Auto-enrolment was introduced by the government in October 2012

More support needed to manage retirement transition

Many approaching the end of their working days have made few financial or psychological preparations

Confusion over workplace pensions may leave savers short

Workers saving into DC pensions are unclear how much they should be putting aside each month

Government cracks down on pension scams

The measures will include a ban on all cold calling in relation to pensions

Four in five want to make higher AE contributions

83% of workers felt they now know how to access information about their pension

Workers expect workplace savings to fund third of pensions

Brits expect 32% to come from employer schemes, 42% from the government, and 26% from their own pocket

Pensions: Size is everything

Regulation, government nudges and new technology could lead to fewer individual company schemes

Industry reacts to government’s state pension age hike

The state pension age increase from 67 to 68 is to be brought forward
