Tom Newcombe

Discrimination against older jobseekers 'alarming', research finds

Almost 90% of jobseekers over the age of 60 say they have been rejected for a job because of their age, according to research published by UK jobs website


CIPD's Valuing your Talent project gets mixed reception

A CIPD initiative to develop a human capital framework that helps businesses measure the value of workers appears to have split the HR community.


Unconscious bias against disabled people 'extremely worrying', says ENEI

Unconscious bias against disabled people in recruitment processes is "significantly" higher than against any other social group, the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI) has warned.


Julia Tyson joins LV= as HR director

Insurance, investment and retirement group LV= has appointed Julia Tyson as its new group HR director.


Boards on the brink as executives lack skills to lead

Almost one-third of companies would replace their C-suite executives if given the opportunity, a study released today has found.


Banking sector should adopt voluntary standards to fix 'trust deficit', BSI warns

The financial services industry is failing to adopt voluntary standards crucial to rebuilding trust in banking, despite overwhelming support from those in the sector, a report published by the British...


Most workers happy on zero-hours contracts, says CIPD

The majority of workers on zero-hours contracts are just as satisfied with their job as full-time employees and more likely to be happy with their work-life balance, a major report published today by...


Recruiters rejecting potential employees based on social media profiles, survey says

Nearly two-thirds of UK recruiters have rejected a job application after viewing a candidate's social media profile, a report published by recruitment site has found.


Give workers paid bereavement leave, campaigners urge Government

Campaigners are urging the Government to give employees the legal right to paid leave if they have suffered a family bereavement, amid growing public support for the move.


Nick Clegg: Working mothers feel "shoved aside" in the workplace

Businesses must "dramatically change" working practices to prevent mothers feeling "shoved aside" when returning to work, deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, has said.


Exhaustion may have triggered epileptic fit of banking intern, inquest hears

The death of an intern at Bank of America in the summer was caused by an epileptic fit, which may have been triggered by exhaustion, an inquest has heard.


Pensions regulator targets recruitment in auto-enrolment probe

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has visited a number of recruitment agencies as part of an in-depth look at sectors that could face auto-enrolment compliance issues.
