Sian Harrington

Less complex businesses are better place for everyone to work

When, last September, we unveiled research by then Warwick Business School and now Henley professor Simon Collinson and consultancy Simplicity Partnership that found the biggest 200 global companies...


No sex, please, I'm quitting

The viral email sent by disgruntled employee Kieran Allen to staff at media agency MEC on Tuesday is a reminder employers need to have clearly communicated procedures in place to regulate employee...


Most employees plan to stay put, reveals Deloitte global survey

Four out of five employees plan to stay with their organisation over the coming year, a reversal of the situation in 2011 when two-thirds said they were planning to leave, according to a global survey...


Less complex businesses are better places for everyone to work

Last September, we unveiled research by then Warwick Business School and now Henley professor Simon Collinson and consultancy Simplicity Partnership. It found the biggest 200 global companies were...


Claridge’s launch tonight for this year's Most Influential rankings

HR magazine unveils the 2012 HR Most Influential ranking at a prestigious event at Claridge’s Hotel tonight.


Join industry leaders at the first HR magazine conference on 28 November

For the first time, HR magazine is gathering together leaders in the field of excellence in HR, for one day, under one roof, to share how they achieved strategic greatness through their people...


Without our people demonstrating Olympic values, businesses will die

In the Olympian spirit, there are five themes in this August issue that intertwine to demonstrate the symbiotic relationship of people in the workplace, just as the Olympic rings interlace to...


Who are the Most Influential HR directors and academics in 2012?

HR magazine unveils the shortlists for its HR Most Influential 2012 ranking and now it’s time for the industry to vote.


HR technology special 2/7: interview with Katy Clough, HR director at AppSense

It may not seem a good idea at the end of a first interview to turn to the entrepreneurial founder of the business – not known for being a fan of HR – and say that, yes, you could see yourself working...


Take part in HR magazine’s HR Most Influential 2012 survey: your vote matters

HR magazine has unveiled the shortlist for HR Most Influential 2012 and for the first time we are inviting HR directors and academics from across the world to take part in the ranking process.


We are letting our children down. And therefore our employers and country

I am going to nail my colours to the mast from the start. I am bewildered about education today. I just cannot understand why it has become so difficult to teach kids to read, write and do simple...
