Shereen Daniels

The BBC has dropped the acronym BAME – should you?

If you are so used to saying the same words over and over again, the frequency of their use becomes truisms.


Racial equity: What to do when you fear saying the wrong thing

You want to support your black colleagues and build a more just, equitable workplace. But you’re concerned that an inappropriate word will upset or alienate your black colleagues, expose you and your...


ESG and the role of HR

Data is starting to show a positive correlation between solid environmental, social and governance (ESG) practice and financial performance. In the UK alone, investors piled £2.9 billion into ESG...


HR needs to think about equity, not equality

“If we focus on Black people, how is that fair to everyone else?” - A common concern expressed by both leadership and HR teams who are still grappling with the ‘what’ and the ‘how’.
