Nosa Omoigui

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Islamophobia affecting majority of Muslims at work

An overwhelming majority of Muslim employees in the UK are suffering religious abuse at work.


Workplace equality falling behind in UK

The UK is one of the worst countries for promoting equality in the workplace, according to research from health company Essity.


Right to work digital ID check providers chosen

The UK government has made the Post Office and identity verification platform Yoti the first certified digital identity service providers (IDSP) to carry out right to work checks across the country.


Remote staff taking more mental health leave than those on-site

Remote workers are more likely to take time off for mental health related reasons than employees who work on-site.


Virgin Atlantic repeals tattoo ban for cabin crew

Virgin Atlantic lifted its ban on cabin crew displaying their tattoos at work last week, becoming the first airline to do. Will we see more tattoos on show in the workplace of the future?


Unhappy retail workers seeking way out of industry

Retail workers no longer want to work in the sector and are looking for jobs elsewhere.


Rise in menopause tribunals attributed to increased awareness

The number of employment tribunals relating to menopause increased in 2021, highlighting a potential rise in awareness of the condition.


Companies alienating workforce by ignoring worker opinion

Employers are guilty of ignoring the opinions of their workforce when it comes to making important decisions.


Is HR forcing people into management?

While management is often the logical next step for workers in terms of career progression, not everybody may be cut out for the job.


Have workplaces changed since George Floyd?

The murder of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis in May 2020 had an enormous impact on society, including British workforces, yet change has not been sustained.


UK's largest companies failing to tackle mental health issues

The UK's largest companies, among them JD Wetherspoons, Next, EasyJet, Tesco and Barclays, are failing to actively address mental health issues at work despite acknowledging the problem.


HR underrepresented in FTSE 100 boardrooms

Just three of the FTSE 100 companies in the UK have HR professionals on their main board.
