Millicent Machell

Record high numbers of young people are on zero-hours contracts

The number of young workers on zero-hours contracts has reached a new record high, according to a study from The Work Foundation thinktank.


Who is on strike in March and April 2024?

Find out who is striking, why, and what services will be affected in our round-up.


P&O Ferries paid some workers £4.87 an hour through agency loophole

P&O Ferries has paid some seafaring workers less than half minimum wage, according to a report from The Guardian.


AI training grants announced for SMEs to close skills gaps

The government has announced a £7.4 million pilot scheme to subsidise the cost of AI skills training for SMEs in the professional business services sector.


Digital tools cause intergenerational conflict at work, research suggests

Digital communication tools are causing conflicts between different generations at work, according to research from digital transformation provider the Adaptavist Group.


Health and Wellbeing at Work: Day two round-up

The Health and Wellbeing at Work exhibition and conference continued yesterday (13 March), at Birmingham’s NEC.


Health and Wellbeing at Work: Day one round-up

The HR magazine team has been chairing the Best Place to Work seminar stream at this year’s Health and Wellbeing at Work show, which began yesterday (12 March), at Birmingham’s NEC.


Sonographer made to do menial work wins £33,000 in racism tribunal

A sonographer from Nigeria who was forced to carry out cleaning duties despite her medical role was a victim of racial harassment and constructive dismissal, a tribunal has found.


Vacancies fall while real pay growth strengthens

Vacancies have continued to fall but lower inflation has spurred pay growth, according to the latest estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).


The state of HR in 2024: new insights revealed

A report by HR magazine and HR software developer Cornerstone has revealed how people leaders are adapting to the changing world of work in 2024.


Behind the scenes at the CBI: Exclusive interview

A year after allegations of sexual misconduct and rape rocked the CBI, Millicent Machell speaks to the women tasked with rehabilitating the organisation.


'Pinkwashing' companies barred from Pride parade

Companies that want to participate in the 2024 Pride parade in London must now sign up to a year-round LGBTQ+ inclusion programme.
