Bek Frith

Apprenticeships failing young women

Many women face challenges that make apprenticeships a less attractive option than further education


Health risks to mobile workforces not understood

Six in 10 (60%) European execs have only a partial or no understanding of medical threats their mobile workers face


Deliveroo chief: Directly employed staff would restrict flexibility

Gig economy bosses defended their business models at a Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry


HR can link business needs to CSR

Focusing on a particular business objective or problem can help identify links to CSR actions


Gender pay gap will remain if government fails to address structural issues, warn MPs

The Women and Equalities Committee has warned that the government is not effectively tackling the structural causes of the gender pay gap


Senior leaders expected to be 'always on'

Finance executives were found to work on average 23 weekends a year


Three-quarters of Europeans would consider international roles

However, UK employees are significantly less interested in overseas opportunities


Almost all HR professionals losing sleep over work

Lack of sleep is costing the UK economy more than £1 billion in annual revenue because of days taken off sick


Publish pay ratios and put workers on RemCos, says CIPD


The CIPD and High Pay Centre have made several recommendations to the government around executive pay


Employees want to know where pensions are invested

Despite a lack of knowledge about pensions there is still an appetite to know where funds are being saved, finds Big Society Capital


Ultra-flexible workers will challenge HR by 2020

Four in 10 (40%) workers will be self-employed by 2020, so HR must be prepared


Younger firms more of a data security risk

Younger businesses are considerably less certain on how long they are legally required to retain documents
