Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway, speaks on gender equality in the workplace
Employers must equip employees with the ability to be flexible
Women ask for pay rises as often as men but are less successful
Women also receive considerably fewer workplace benefits overall than men
Organisations are unsure where to go next, more than two months after the EU referendum vote
436,000 workers within five years of state pension age leave the workplace for medical reasons
Nearly half (47%) of small businesses cite wages as the main contributor to their rising cost of doing business
HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function on what they think will shape it
Chris Philp, MP (Con) for Croydon South, calls for shareholder committees and mandatory pay ratios
There has been a ‘shocking’ increase in workplace pregnancy discrimination over the past decade
A different workplace structure could emerge in the next two decades
Linda Chivers, chief executive at Age Concern Central Lancashire, explains why resilience is so important